Friday 20 April 2007

Story Notes part 2

"[...]This book was refered to be old, older than any other, a book so old that dated to the origins of the world, a book which contained all the knowledge from everything, every creature human and non-human, even creature from other world’s. Later it was found that the book was Raziel’s book. This book was created, with the purpose of keeping information if it was later needed.

Raziel was one of God’s Archangel, he sited next to God where he wrote every information in the book. Raziel’s book contained every information, of everything in this universe, every piece of history, from human and non-human, from this and all the other worlds, in this and the other universes. Religions, cultures, technologies, everything was in this book.

Knowing this information was very dangerous in the wrong hands, Raziel encoded the book, and gave it to Adam, to safe keeping, later the Book was known to be at the hands of Noel, until finally the Book suddenly disappeared.[...]"

Penso que a descrição acima diz tudo.

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