Thursday, 28 August 2008

CAT BLUES (Mr. Scruff Remix)

"CAT BLUES (Mr. Scruff Remix)" by Seatbelts, Mr. Scruff

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The Seatbelts Live

"Piano solo" by The Seatbelts

Friday, 22 August 2008

Non Stop

"Non Stop" by Whitey

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Exams and Mapping

So I have some more exams to do, so this last half of the month will be spent studying.

Anyway on the breaks of study I want to do some maps for FPS, I always wanted to do my schools or house, but I have no experience mapping, and I don't want one of those complicated map tools.
So I thought about using either Cube or Sauerbraten, not only are they free they seem easy to use.
But if any of you guys know a easier engine or easy tool to map or want to give me a hand in this let me know ;)

ps: Está em inglês, pois este foi o update que fiz ao Journal do meu perfil no DeviantArt, e não me estava a apetecer traduzir :P

Half-Life 1 & 2 in 60 secs

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Wrap It Up

Don't get upset
Don't make a fool of yourself
Don't lose your head
Please get a grip on yourself

There's nothing else you can do
There's nothing else you can do
There's nothing else you can do
There's nothing else you can do

You may well say
How could this happen to you
You may well ask
And you may not like the truth

Why is it always to you?
Why is it always to you?
Why is it always to you?
Why does this happen to you?

So cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

You may well say
How could this happen to you
You may well ask
But you may not like the truth

Why is it always to you?
Why is it always to you?
Why is it always to you?
Why does this happen to you?

So don't get upset
Don't make a fool of yourself
Don't lose your head
Please get a grip on yourself

There's nothing worse you can do
There's nothing worse they can do
There's nothing worse they can do
There's only one thing to do

Get even
Get even
Get even
Get even
Get even

So cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

So cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

So cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

Cut it up
wrap it up
out of it
out of luck

out of luck

"Wrap It Up" by Whitey


Algumas fotos que tirei num fim de semana prolongado que fiz neste mês de Agosto.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Return of the Snow

A pedido de uma pessoa especial cá estou de volta. Não que me tenha esquecido do blog, apenas estava num estado de animação suspensa.