Wednesday, 27 June 2007

My Fiction Story

Não sei se me posso considerar escritor, mas pelo menos a historia já esta começada.
Apesar de ainda não ter titulo, o prologo já está feito.
Se quiserem ser revisores da historia digam, que eu mando-vos uma copia do que já esta escrito.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

E com o filme Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix quase ai deixo uns posteres.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Enquanto espero pelo o ultimo livro desta fantástica saga, deixo imagens das capas inglesas (versão adulto e criança).

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Ocean's Thirteen

Hoje fui ver o filme Ocean's Thirteen e realmente o filme é muito bom. Se não for melhor que o primeiro está ao mesmo nível. Este filme recupera a falha do segundo e volta as origens, Las Vegas e casinos.
Mais uma vez temos Danny Ocean e a sua equipa com uma adição da sua vitima do primeiro golpe Terry Benedict. Desta vez o golpe não é so por dinheiro, mas principalmente por vigança.
Um elenco de luxo, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, entre outros.
Outro filme a não perder.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

The Prime Time Of Your Life by Daft Punk

The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life

Now, live it, the prime time of your life
Now, live it, the prime time of your life
Now, live it, the prime time of your life

(do it)
Now, (and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(do it)
Now, (and) live it (today), the prime time of your life

(come on and do it)
Now, (don't wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don't wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don't wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don't wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life

The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life

By Daft Punk

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The Ignorants

We criticise, we laugh, we despise the actions of our ancestors, I'm not referring to our grand parents, but our ancestors from the renascence, from the middle ages, from the stone ages for that matter. The youth of today believes the world was always has they see it. We asked our selves how could our ancestors live without computers, without a fridge, without electricity, or other kind of technology we use in our days.

Isto vem a propósito de uma noticia que ouvi falar hoje, sobre um adolescente no secundário, onde tinha que fazer uma composição sobre o drama de Gil Vicente.
Ao que ele escreveu que o drama do Gil Vicente estava relacionado com o facto de ele perder contra o Benfica ou o Sporting, etc, etc.

And I ask who are the real ignorants?

I'm F.I.N.E.

In the last couple of weeks I've been stressed out because of a presentation and an exam I had to do, better yet, I've been stressed out because of my lack of confidence in my self. I apologised to anyone I might have scared. One got to know depression, if it wants to beat it.

At this moment I'm F.I.N.E.

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Strange Feelings

Eu quando estou a ler certas historias, quer sejam livros, fanfics, ou historias soltas, em que as personagens estão num relacionamento feliz, enquanto eu leio a historia, eu também me sinto feliz, como se fizesse parte da historia, como se fosse um dos personagens. Mas assim que paro de ler e volto à realidade, sinto-me triste, sinto-me esquisito, e ao mesmo tempo não quero sair daquele estado de melancolia, ou depressão ou o que lhe quiserem chamar. é esquisito. Será que serei o único com estas sensações?

Blue Hawaiian Confessions

Another cool CSI fanfic about Greg and Sofia.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


What do you think it's worst, not knowing you happy, or knowing you're depressed?
Kind a silly question. The point is if you depressed would you be ware that you are depressed or would you need to be told?
Now imagine you want to do something, naturally your brain sends a message to your muscles, if that's the case, or you start studying, or you start reading. What if some how you couldn't, some how your brain, the same that wants or needs to do something doesn't let. How would you undo this blockage? Maybe you would need help, maybe you wouldn't.
Now imagine your a bit stubborn and that you are reluctant to ask for help, maybe because you think it should be you to resolve your problems, maybe because you just don't want to disappoint someone. In either cases, you will never ask for help openly, you will probably start surrounding the problem and maybe after a while you begin to say you might need help.
Now picture this, you start asking for help, by explaining what's wrong with you, without at the same time tell all at once. And when your exposing your problem, let's say the problem is that blockage thing, then person that is suppose to be helping you blunts out, in this case, that there can't be any kind of blockage and if that a person knows what he wants they don't have any problem doing it; and if you had it just meant that you didn't know what you want. I could be wrong when I say this, but if a person know what he wants, but at the same time has that kind of blockage, then something is not right. And by not allowing to expose the problem, and saying not thing is wrong, just confirms my theory. How can you ask for help, if when you do people dismiss your problem has nothing.
So if I have that problems, or others, giving the nature of the help I had when exposing my problem, why would I ask for help...

ps: I didn't know who to expose this thought, so if the text seems confuse, try reading it again, I really could use some feedback on this...

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Need someone to hug

In our days,and I might be mistaken, people consider relationships to be about sex. Sex should be consider a bonus, something that should be earned, and not simply given.
People should look in a relationship for friendship. You might say friendship is for friends, and I don't say otherwise, but in a relationship people should also be friends. Other thing is that people shouldn't be jealous, if for example their partner is taking time to study and is given much attention to them. People have to think that's their partner's future, and that they may not always be together, and for that reason, they shouldn't destroy their partner's career before it even begins.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Need someone to make me laugh

Have you ever wanted, or needed someone (man or woman, in my case woman) who you could hug, kiss. Someone that you could tell your darkest secrets, and know that they would be kept secret. Someone to tell you that everything will be fine, when you're felling sad. Someone that could make you laugh even when you just want to cry.
I'm looking for that person, and can't seem to find her anywhere

Friday, 8 June 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Fui ver o filme Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End e tenho de dizer que o filme ultrapassa os seus antecessores em tudo, mais acção, mais aventura, mais batalhas, mais traições e duplas traições e triplas traições (não sei se chegou a haver quartas). Com um final inesperado, e deixando já aberto o caminho para um Piratas 4. Esperemos que sim.
Um filmes a não perder.

Regras no Cinema

Cada vez que vou ao cinema, existe sempre alguém que tende a desrespeitar as regras. Não sou contra as pessoas falarem no cinema, pois eu também falo, mas pelo menos falem baixinho para não incomodar as outras pessoas. Outra coisa são os telemóveis, ultimamente raramente oiço algum tocar, mas não é a primeira vez que vejo a gravarem o filme ou partes dele ou a tirar fotografias com o telemóvel.

Deixo aqui um pequeno warning video, por causa dos telemóveis. Tenham cuidado, nem sempre as pessoas deixam passar os incidentes de telemóvel em branco.

30 Anos de Star Wars

Fez no passado dia 25 de Maio 30 anos desde a estreia do Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope, na altura ainda conhecido apenas como Star Wars. Muitos parabéns ao senhor Lucas pela a sua magnifica saga. Deixo esta curta metragem feita por fans de Star Wars.
Aqui vemos verdadeiros fans. Será que isto cá em Portugal era possível. Talvez num futuro de preferência não muito distante tenhamos uma convenção sobre Star Wars cá em Portugal.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007


Greg Sanders is not always cheerful, after all he is human.
Uma fanfic baseada no CSI, por acaso identifico-me com o Greg nesta fic, ela anda um pouco em baixo e mt pensativo...
a CSI fanfic by leftyguitar

Friday, 1 June 2007

Post-It Drawings 1

Alguns desenhos que comecei a fazer em post-it's.

Dia da Criança

Hoje dia 1 de Junho é dia da Criança, e como todos somos crianças, ou pelo menos eu sou, nem que não seja só de cabeça, temos o direito de nos divertir, brincar, ver desenhos animados e receber prendinhas. :D